So, my hair has been something ever since I was 13 years old that is recognisable. I currently have long blonde hair... When I was at boarding school I remember getting up at 6am (school didn't start till 8.45am), washing my hair and curling it every day. I loved having BIG hair. (Below is what I used to always do my hair like)
As I've got older, I don't have much time in the morning (I try and get in every wink of sleep I can!) and so the normal hair style is down and clipped to the side in its natural state (straight) or in a big doughnut on the top of my head (which is the only way I can have it out of my face!) Or a messy bun.
The time has come where my hair needs a revamp, my layers aren't as nice as they used to be and to be honest I am getting bored of my hair. However, long hair means I can do whatever with it... But no, I've booked a hair appointment tomorrow after work. And all I'm going to say to the stylist is... cut off as much as needs cutting off for it to look nice and new again. I know I'm going to lose about 5 inches... I know that sounds like nothing, but I've always had long hair. Apart from when I was like 6 and I had the classic Mother choice of hair cut of a short bob and a full fringe (WHY do our mothers do that to us?!)
I'm already nervous to see all my hair be cut off... but at the end of the day, it will grow back, it might just take more than a day!
I'll keep you posted in the next few days on what it looks like, and how I cope!
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